Every gift counts when raising money for an organization that is doing important work. But once in a while, we receive a gift that stands out, and not necessarily because of the $ amount. Below is a story of one of these very special gifts. In October, a group of UT Austin students pitched ReadWorks at the Texas Charity Pitch and won. Not only did they win first place, they also won the 'Crowd Favorite' Award. As a result, they donated their $2,000 cash prize to ReadWorks. Here's the link to an article about the competition: http://www.dailytexanonline.com/2017/10/30/students-compete-for-charity-donations In selecting a charity to pitch, the students discovered ReadWorks through Charity Navigator and chose us because they were impressed with our Financial Score. Just when we thought this story couldn’t get any better, we received another $2,000 gift. This gift came directly from Saagar Pateder, one of the UT Austin team members. Saagar, a rising junior, is triple majoring in Business Honors, Electrical Engineering, and Plan II Honors. After earning some extra money in his summer internship, Saagar decided to give an additional donation to ReadWorks. Saagar shared with us that “ Education is a vital aspect of life, and a lack of proper resources is preventing kids from achieving what they're capable of. I myself have benefitted from a great education that I can say without hesitation has put me where I am today. ReadWorks demonstrated that they understand the root cause of the problem, and is working hard to address the core issue. In addition, I personally liked the longer-term fix that ReadWorks was promoting as opposed to a shorter-term Band-aid. The transparency and financial efficiency only helped. In the end for me, donating to ReadWorks was as simple as asking where my money would go the farthest - and based on the week of research I had invested back in October, the answer was pretty clear to me.” We are so grateful to this young philanthropist.
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February 2025