Why Assign Question Sets?
Successful readers are metacognitive: they plan their reading in relation to specific goals, and they monitor and evaluate their reading as they progress.
ReadWorks text-dependent question sets provide carefully scaffolded practice in activating prior knowledge about text structure, inferring, monitoring and clarifying, and questioning. They help readers engage with texts and dig deeply into what they're reading. Early research shows that students benefit from regularly doing our question sets, as their multiple-choice-question correct rate increases as they do more question sets.
ReadWorks text-dependent question sets provide carefully scaffolded practice in activating prior knowledge about text structure, inferring, monitoring and clarifying, and questioning. They help readers engage with texts and dig deeply into what they're reading. Early research shows that students benefit from regularly doing our question sets, as their multiple-choice-question correct rate increases as they do more question sets.
How to Use Question Sets
ReadWorks text-dependent question sets are written to scaffold students to get the most out of our reading passages. Question sets include:
- Multiple choice and open-ended questions
- Explicit and inferential questions that build a deeper understanding of the important elements of a text
Full Question Set: 8-10 questions that provide practice in multiple key reading strategies while scaffolding important information to encourage a thorough understanding of the text
Express Question Set: 5 multiple-choice questions that provide practice in a few key reading strategies while scaffolding important information to support an understanding of the main idea of the text
Open-Ended Question Set: Explicit and inferential open-ended questions that support an understanding of the important information in a text. If you'd like to learn more, read about the research behind the importance of giving students feedback.
Inferring Question Set: Questions that provide practice in multiple key reading strategies with a focus on the strategy of inferencing
Monitoring Question Set: Questions that provide practice in multiple key reading strategies with a focus on the strategies of monitoring and questioning
Text Structure Question Set: Questions that provide practice in multiple key reading strategies with a focus on applying knowledge of text structure
Differentiate with Question Sets
All question sets have audio as an option, but a teacher must enable it when assigning a passage. A teacher can assign audio to their whole class, groups of students, or individual students.
Introduce It to Your Students
Share this video with your students so they can learn all about reading and answering questions on ReadWorks.