ReadWorks serves over 1.2 million US educators, reaching over 17 million students nationwide. Here are just a few of the amazing stories our teachers have shared with us.
Meet Our Teachers
Thank you for the outstanding work you do. I am a special education teacher and I have had such a hard time finding programs my students can access and experience success on. You are making a difference.
Why Teachers Love ReadWorks
Thank you for providing this diverse, functional, and highly motivational reading website. My students with special needs love using it and the ability to individualize for my students to their ability level and interest level is amazing. Thank you for promoting reading literacy in such a positive manner and the ability to track progress is icing on the cake! And ReadWorks was a God send during remote learning due to the COVID pandemic. Thank you!
Lisa's ReadWorks Experience
I'm a special education teacher. I used to be in a classroom and I would occasionally use ReadWorks, especially the paired passages. I attended a ReadWorks professional development webinar through IDA. I had no idea ALL of the features ReadWorks offers AND it's free!!!!! I've been a reading specialist for the past 3 years. I'm in DC & doing 100% distance learning. I've been using your articles & loving the accessibility features. When I showed one of my 2nd graders with dyslexia the guided reading strip, he exclaimed, "I LOVE THAT!"
I think your changes for remote and hybrid learning are fantastic! I plan to use this for work more regularly next school year with my students (ELLs), even if everything is back to normal. Thank you for all you provide to teachers and students!
Thank you for this invaluable resource. Homeschooling was not something I was prepared to do this school year. My second grader fell behind and was barely reading at the start of this year. ReadWorks makes reading fun, interesting and keeps the fun in learning! Your programs also offer several options for learning so readers can progress at their pace! The best thing though is that my daughter can read what she wants at home and I don’t have to be concerned if it’s at grade level because when she reads her RW articles I can pick them based on her grade! Thanks ReadWorks!