Why Reading Quantity?
A key part of becoming a successful reader is to read often. Becoming good at anything, whether it’s skateboarding, playing basketball, or reading, requires participation in the activity. There are two key aspects to this participation. First, students must engage in quality reading practice. Therefore, the time they spend reading with their teachers’ guidance forms the core of their practice. Second is the quality of the text. ReadWorks’ goal is to provide high-quality texts to help teachers build out their students’ reading practice.
How to Increase Reading Quantity with ReadWorks
ReadWorks student library provides an important supplement to reading practice done in class. Students also need to read a wide variety of texts independently to build their background knowledge and vocabulary—more than can be accounted for during instruction time alone. Also, when students are given a choice in this independent reading, research has shown that they often can read and comprehend higher level texts.
How to Differentiate for Your Students
The student library is an automatically differentiated experience for students. The library suggests passages based on each student's individual interests and reading patterns. It also provides access to student tools, eBooks, and audio.
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