Phonics Concept List
ReadWorks decodables are all nonfiction and topically aligned to ReadWorks Article-A-Day sets. We recommend that you use the decodables along with the Article-A-Day routine in order to build background knowledge amongst your early readers. Decodables can be found through the Article-A-Day scope and sequence and the content page; however, you can also search by concept below. Texts are grouped by their Article-A-Day topic.
If you are looking for fiction decodable texts through our partnership with Whole Phonics, click here.
If you are looking for fiction decodable texts through our partnership with Whole Phonics, click here.
cvc words
consonant digraphs
Review - CVC Words and consonant digraphs
After practicing decoding CVC words and words with consonant digraphs, use the texts below to review these concepts. Additionally, these texts use predictable sentence patterns to support fluency practice.
The texts below have a decodabilty below 90%, but can be useful for additional practice at the end of the school year. |
cvc words
consonant digraphs
Bonus letters/double final consonants
Glued sounds/welded sounds
Suffix 's'
Initial consonant blends / final consonant blends
digraph blends
SUFFIX ‘ED’ / suffix 'ing'
Review - All concepts
These texts combine all previously taught concepts for review. Ideal for use at the end of the school year. |
Second Grade: |
Glued Sounds (ild, ind, old, olt, ost)
Suffixes (-s, -es, -ed, -ing)
Prefix and Suffix Review
VCE in single and multisyllabic words
Open syllables in single and multisyllabic words
Y as a vowel
R-controlled vowels in single and multisyllabic words
Vowel team (ai, ay)
Vowel team (ee, ea, ey)
Vowel team (oi, oy)
Vowel teams (oa, oe, ow)
Vowel teams (ou, ow)
Vowel teams (oo, ou, ew, ue)
Vowel teams (au, aw)