100% Free Reading Passages for Any CurriculumEnhance any curriculum with our diverse content. Build background knowledge and vocabulary with over 6,000 passages and question sets for grades K-12, including K-2 decodable texts and 3-8 book studies.
Our ready-to-use curriculum alignments work with EL Education, Wit & Wisdom, Amplify CKLA, and more. Don’t see your curriculum? Use our scope and sequence by topic or vocabulary anytime! |
Tiered and Grade Level Reading MaterialsK-12 StepReads - Teachers assign these in addition to the original text so that students can first dive into the StepRead and then challenge themselves to read the more complex version when ready.
Boost and Challenge Articles - Teachers can print or assign boost and/or challenge articles as part of an Article-A-Day™ topical set to the whole class, small groups, or individual students. |
Culturally Responsive TextsDiversity is a benefit. We have thousands of authentic cultural texts to help you connect history, celebrations, and everyday life of different types of families to students’ lives and experiences.